Ranking starts with Kyu ranks with 10 being the lowest and 1 being the highest. The ranks then progress to the different levels of Black Belt (Dan) with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.
10thJu kyu. The student learns the four universal firearms’ safety rules, verbatim and in order; the Range Commands and Range Procedures; the correct fighting stance for firearms and empty hand fighting; the proper selection and placement of equipment; the theory of the defensive firearms; the fundamentals of marksmanship; legal and moral issues, completes the “Stop The Bleed” program, learns part 1 of Tandoku No Kata; and to disassemble, clean, lubricate, and reassemble his pistol. The student researches Hanshi Charles Scott, his arts, and the Modern Technique of the Pistol (Gunsite) and learns the Basic Walk. The student is a white belt.
9thKu kyu. The student learns the six-step presentation (draw of the pistol); how to correctly load and unload his pistol, to perform a press check (to determine if it is loaded); demonstrates basic accuracy by getting 10 hits in a 10-inch circle at 5 yards, learns part 2 of Tandoku No Kata. He researches matchlock, wheel lock, flintlock, cap lock, pepperbox firearms, dueling pistols, and black powder. If successful, the student is moved to yellow belt.
8thHachi kyu. The student learns to diagnose and properly clear types 1, 2, and 3 malfunctions; demonstrates the six-step presentation to a single "A" zone hit in 2 seconds at 5 yards; demonstrates proper guard position and scanning. He learns part 3 of Tandoku No Kata and completes OC (pepper spray) training. He researches the development of the metallic cartridge, the Colt percussion revolver, Smith & Wesson revolvers and is verbally tested on all the above firearms. The student learns a correct reverse punch (Gyaku Zuki); the up block (Jodan Uke); the hard/fast block (Gosoku Uke). If successful, the student is promoted to orange belt.
7thShichi kyu. The student learns and demonstrates correct tactical and speed reloads; shoots a “Failure to Stop” and “ABC” (2 shots center, 1 shot head, 2 shots pelvis) drills at 5 yards; shoots at 7, 10, 15, and 25 yards (no time limit). He completes required OC (pepper spray) training. Performs Tandoku No Kata with speed and power. He researches the Union forces .56 caliber rifle, and Henry rifle, their first successful lever-action repeating rifles. The student learns weapon-retention techniques; the Spear hand (nukite); the front snap kick (mae geri); the back fist (ura zuki). The student is promoted to blue belt.
6thRoku kyu. The student demonstrates all five manipulations for time; he learns correct one-handed shooting both right and left hand at 5 yards. The student learns ground fighting skills (scarf hold, side quarter hold, and mount). He researches the development of the 1911 Colt pistol, and John Moses Browning and is verbally tested on all the above firearms. If successful, the student moves to purple belt.
5thGo kyu. The student learns position shooting including speed kneel, braced kneel, double kneel, and prone; he learns distance shooting from 25 to 50 yards with all hits inside the target lines; he learns flashlight techniques; he learns single head shots from the holster. He researches Georg Luger, the P-08 pistol, the inventions of Peter Paul Mauser, Webley-Fosbery, and Carl Walther. If successful, the student moves to purple belt with green stripe.
4th Yon kyu. The student learns left, right, and rear responses (pivots); he learns controlled pairs and “hammers” from 3 yards to 50 yards; he learns the "safety circle" and Sul to identify and assess threats in a 360-degree environment. He completes electrical stun device (Taser) orientation. The student learns weapon-retention shooting and the “Ground Fighting” kata. He researches Hiram Maxim, Elmer Keith, the Colt Single Action Army and Gaston Glock. Many handguns have been fitted with shoulder stocks for military applications, list three famous ones. List three American firms, other than Colt and Smith & Wesson that manufactured revolvers. The student learns Hojutsu Ichi No Kata. If successful, the student is promoted to green belt.
3rdSan kyu. The student learns the proper use of cover; "slicing the pie" (minimum exposure, minimum time) lateral movement left and right during presentation and weapon manipulations; close-quarter shooting techniques, and Kubotan/tactical pen techniques. The student is tested on the “Ground Fighting” kata. The “Book of Five Rings” is required reading. The student is promoted to third degree brown, a solid brown belt.
2ndNi kyu. The student builds speed and precision in his presentations, shooting, and manipulation. He works on kata, waza, and builds power in his punches and kicks. The student demonstrates the three correct weapon retention techniques and “Jo” (short staff) basics. The book “On Killing” is required reading. The student moves to second degree brown, designated by two black stripes around the left tail of the belt.
1st Ik kyu. The student fires 85% on the three courses and performs all manipulations within time limits. He is verbally tested on all the above firearms. He demonstrates all the movements of Hojutsu Ichi No kata and “Keibo Jitsu” kata. The book “On Combat” is required reading. If successful, the student is promoted to Ik Kyu, First Degree Brown Belt designated by a black stripe the length of the belt. (Ik kyu and below can have a hit outside the scoring line and pass the test.) Promotion fee is $100.
1st Dan, Shodan (First-Degree Black Belt). The student is tested on all the above techniques. The student passes the short course, school drills, and PPC at 90% accuracy, in order, passing all three tests without a disqualifying shot, within the allowed times. He performs all manipulations within the time limits. The student performs the Hojutsu Ichi No Kata with power and timing and performs a single board break with a reverse punch and a single board break with a front snap kick. He passes a written test, open book, on lineage, the Modern Technique, and firearms development. The student will submit a short-written paper on his perception of firearms as a martial art.
2nd Dan, Nidan. The student passes the 3 handgun courses at 95% accuracy, performs manipulations in shorter times (.1 second less on school drills). The student performs a kata with tsue (cane). Hojutsu Ni No Kata, Tsue No Kata from Soke Kubota, or the black belt kata from Soke Shuey at Canemasters are acceptable. Candidates for Nidan must have trained three students to Ik kyu level prior to testing for Nidan.
3rd Dan, Sandan. The student shows mastery of the auto-pistol. The student passes the short course, school drills, and PPC at 98% accuracy, at times reduced from Shodan by .2 seconds per drill on the school drills; the Short Course and PPC times remain the same. The student will perform the Hojutsu San No Kata, or another suitable edged-weapon kata. Candidates for Sandan must have trained three students to Shodan level prior to testing for Sandan.
PRE-QUALIFICATION FOR FURTHER TESTING: Each candidate for higher belts must return and pass the Shodan test with a revolver. All candidates for upper belts will demonstrate dedication to the art through continued training of selves and by maintaining an active Hojutsu-Ryu dojo.
4th Dan, Yondan. The sensei shows proficiency with the fighting shotgun. He performs shooting skill tests within required times and accuracy and passes a written test on the shotgun. Yondan candidates will be running a successful dojo, will be training consistently, and will be exploring ways to improve the art.
5th Dan, Godan. The student will demonstrate mastery of the carbine, or “assault rifle.” In addition to the shooting tests, the student will clear types 1, 2, and 3 malfunctions, and perform speed loads and TAC loads within required time limits.
6th Dan, Rokudan. The student will train and test with the precision rifle. The student must be able to effectively engage threats with precision at extended ranges. Testing will consist of shooting from field positions with a scoped, bolt-action or auto-loading .25-30 caliber rifle. The student will pass a written test, which includes extensive ballistics information.
The student will train and test on the submachine gun. Testing will be limited, due to availability of select-fire weapons.
Upper belts. Ranks beyond Godan will be determined by Soke. As with all arts, rank at this level will be determined by a combination of skill, teaching ability, and dedication to Hojutsu and to the martial arts in general. Candidates will have demonstrated years of dedication and training, the furthering of the arts, membership in professional organizations, and other factors.
Testing in Hojutsu requires three live fire shooting tests which are graded with time and accuracy requirements. Unlike most maritial arts where the tests are subjective, Hojutsu tests are definitive as the test results are in black in white on the target. Either the shots are on target and in time, or they are not. There is one universal and measurable standard.
REQUIREMENTS:1. Target-Hojutsu-Ryu standard target (“SJH” at www.letargets.com)2. Duty handgun, magazines or speedloaders, 48 rounds of full-power ammunition
STAGE ONE:Distance RoundsTime2 yards 6 Rounds (2x 3 rounds) 3 Sec.
From the Guard position, shooter fires a “failure drill- two shots center-mass,one shot to “A” zone of the head. Perform twice.
STAGE TWO:DistanceRoundsTime7 yards 6 rounds(2x 3 rounds) 5 sec.
From the holster, shooter draws and fires a “failure drill”- two shots center-mass, oneshot to the “A” zone of the head. Perform twice.
STAGE THREE:Distance Rounds Time25 yards 6 rounds 20 sec.
From the holster, shooter draws and fires six rounds, center mass. Position optional.
STAGE FOUR:Distance Rounds Time10 yards 12 rounds 35 sec.
From the holster, shooter draws and fires six rounds, strong hand only; speed loads; transfers weapon to support hand, fires six rounds support hand only.
STAGE FIVE:Distance Rounds Time7 yards 6 rounds (3x 2 rounds) 2.5 sec.
From the holster, shooter draws and fires a controlled pair, center mass. Perform three times.
STAGE SIX:Distance Rounds Time2 yards 6 rounds (3x 2 rounds) 2.2 sec. From the holster, shooter draws and fires a controlled pair, center mass. Perform three times..
STAGE SEVEN: Distance Rounds Time2 yards 6 rounds (3x 2 rounds) 1.2 sec.
From the Guard, shooter fires a pair (“hammers”); shooter must step either right or left one step.Perform three times.
SCORING:Maximum score is 240A zone= 5 B zone= 1 C zone= 4 D zone= 1
When scoring it is easier to count the misses:
Head shots missing A zone but hitting B head zone is minus 4Body shots missing A zone but hitting C body zone is minus 1Body shots missing A zone but hitting D zone is minus 4Mark head shots after stage 2 to eliminate scoring errors
• Any hit outside the scoring line, missing target, is an automatic failure (DNQ).• Alibis are only allowed for events beyond the shooter’s control (target falls, etc.)• Malfunctions- if properly cleared, any overtime will not count against the shooter.• Other problems due to shooter failure (empty chamber, unloaded gun, magazine falls out, etc) must be corrected within the allowed time.• Overtime shots are –5 points
REQUIREMENTS:1. Target-Hojutsu-Ryu standard target (“SJH” at www.letargets.com)2. Duty handgun, magazines or speedloaders, 50 rounds of full-power ammunition
SCHOOL DRILLS: 2 shots per presentation, 15 shots total
Distance Ready Holster
3 yards 1.5 sec 3 yards 1.3 (single head shot) 5 yards 1.1 sec 7 yards 1.810 yards 2.315 yards 2.625 yards 3.150 yards 6.8 (position optional)
7 yard Drill: Responses, presentation from the holster, single shot per response. Response front1.8 sec Perform five times Response left 1.8 Perform five times Response right1.9 Perform five times Response rear 2.0 Perform five times
5 yard Drill: Head Shots, presentation from the holster, single shot.
Single head shot1.7 sec. Perform three times
7 yard Drill: Head shots, presentation from the holster, single shot.
Single head shot1.9 sec. Perform three times
5 yard Drill: Multiple targets, presentation from the holster, single shot per target.
Two targets 2.0 sec Three targets 2.3 Four Targets 2.6
SKILLS TEST: Weapons manipulation. Perform three times. No shooting.
Speed Reload 2.0 sec.Tactical Reload 3.8
Type 1 malfunction 1.2 secType 2 1.2Type 3 5.0
• Any hit outside the outer scoring ring is an automatic failure (DNQ).• 50 shots total (500 total points)• Each shot is worth 10 points in “X” or “A” zone, 5 points outside• Shots breaking the line count as the higher score• Head shots outside the “A” zone count as 5 points• Overtimes and procedurals count –5
425 (85%) for 1st Kyu; 450 (90%) Shodan
REQUIREMENTS:1. Target- B-272. Duty handgun, magazines or speedloaders, 60 rds. of full-power ammunition.
STAGE ONE:DistanceRounds Time5 yds 6 rds.6 sec.
Shooter draws and fires six rounds.
Distance Rounds Time7 yds 12 rds. 25 sec.
Shooter draws and fires twelve rounds, one reload required during string.
STAGE THREE:Distance Rounds Time15 yds. 12 rds. 25 sec.
Shooter draws and fires twelve rounds, one reload required during string.
STAGE FOUR:Distance Rounds Time25 yds 18 rds. 90 sec.
Shooter draws and fires six rounds, right side of cover, right hand; reload, fire six rounds left of cover; reload; drop to kneeling, right side of cover fire six.
STAGE FIVE:Distance Rounds Time25 yds 12 rds. 35 sec.
Shooter draws from the holster and fires 12 rounds, unsupported by cover; one reload required before last shot.
SCORING: Hits are counted within the scoring ring, 7, 8, 9, or 10.
Maximum possible is 600 Shodan/(first black) or Revolver 540 90%Nidan (second black) 570 95% Sandan (third black) 588 98%
• Any hit outside the shaded area is an automatic failure (DNQ)• Alibis are only allowed for events beyond the shooter’s control (target falls, etc)• Malfunctions- if properly cleared, overtimes will not count against the shooter.• Other problems due to shooter failure (empty chamber, unloaded gun, magazine falls out, etc.) must be corrected within the allowed time.• Overtime shots are –10 points.